
See what kinds of produce
we grow at our farms…


Vegetable farming is the growing of vegetables for human consumption. The practice probably started in several parts of the world over ten thousand years ago, with families growing vegetables for their own consumption or to trade locally. At first manual labour was used but in time livestock were domesticated and the ground could be turned by the plough. More recently, mechanisation…

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Grain and Oilseed

We are one of the largest owners of productive farmland in South America. We currently own over 127k hectares and lease nearly 50k hectares each year for the production of a wide range of agricultural commodities including soybeans, corn, wheat, sunflower and cotton, among others. In Argentina, our farming activities are mainly conducted in the Argentinean….

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Fruits and Nuts

There is a great difference between the crops grown as starter plants and the greenhouse vegetables. Masses tend to grow vegetables and fruits in their greenhouse where they can control temperature, provide heat,extend the growing season and protect them from frosting. However, if you are new to gardening and planting fruits and…


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Rose Products

Why We Grow Tobacco? A lot of folks need their daily nicotine. Business gurus will tell you that meeting needs is a great way to profit. Though you can’t legally sell your own homemade cigarettes right now, there may come a day when regulations fly out the window and the free market takes over again. Even if it doesn’t, being the guy that has what people need is a great place to be.

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